Monday, September 27, 2010

Insert cliche title about everything happening for a reason...

Over the past week I've managed to get a lot accomplished, including meeting Julie for the first time and actually meet face to face to discuss my work at NGS.
Julie is a great boss to have - she is encouraging as well as gives me feedback on the documents I am creating for her and thinks I am a very efficient and hard worker which is really nice to hear as an intern.
I'm also trying to decide what to study in Gradschool and have changed my mind probably 10x in the past week on what I should do after I graduate this spring.
Should I become a teacher?
Would I want a planning masters?
Would 2 years in Teach for America be good for me?
Would I be happy as a planner?
Would I want just a edu masters?
My philosophy is that children shouldn't be taught to a test, would I be able to handle teaching that?
Teach for America would run during camp...can I handle not being at camp?
Is it silly not to apply to something because I could not teach at Tanglewood?
I am not entirely sure I want to be a planner.
I hate GRE's and what all standardized tests stand for...
Should I apply for jobs as an environmental ed teacher/alternative education?
Would I be able to get a master's in education and teach enviro. edu?
Oh look! There are programs that have environmental education as a degree!
Is it not required to have GRE's to apply to enviro ed programs...
Should I apply to Teach for America or just go on to get my degree?

Etc. etc. questions after question and scattered thoughts running through my head.
I think my brain has finally settled on teaching because nothing really makes me happier than watching and teaching children (thank you Tanglewood 4-H camp) and too many instances keep flashing in my face of:
A. you ended up at a teaching college and all of your friends are getting teaching degrees
B. you have always wanted to be a teacher
C. not only are you a camp counselor you teach enviro. ed. and already have some practice
D. there are 5 of you in the edu program at NGS but you're the only one that goes through lesson plans and is helping to create a curriculum for enviro ed

Those are just some of the things running through my head right now but the more I think about it the more I believe teaching is right for me and that environmental education would make me happy (and I really do not want a job that does not make me happy).

This week will consist of going through standards again and generalizing them so that we can apply them to lesson plans in combination with Ocean Literacy Standards.

I am overwhelmed.
By life. Not my internship.
My internship is wonderful and I am very thankful I have this opportunity.
I love this internship and it is helping me realize more and more where I want to go in life.
Am I repeating myself?

Why isn't there a portal that can take me to Farmington?
But that's what makes you stronger right? Figuring everything on your own and doing what feels right to you...

Again with the cliches.

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